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So How Much Does It Cost Anyway?

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Looking to upgrade your outdoor area with artificial turf? Idaho Turf Pros have you covered! We offer transparent pricing that starts as low as $8 a Sq Ft. making it easy for you to make an informed decision about installing high-quality and durable synthetic grass. Our affordable prices reflect cost variables such as the size of the installation, quality and type of turf products used, preparation work needed -- including hauling away services if necessary --  and shipping fees depending on its location.


Different types of artificial turf require different levels of care; artificial grass that can withstand high levels of foot traffic may cost more upfront but may require less maintenance over time than low-traffic artificial turf. Ultimately, artificial turf can be an excellent investment due to its longevity, easy maintenance, and environmental sustainability compared with traditional grass. Get in touch today and explore our great value solutions!

Heres Our Tips On Price vs Value

Finding The Best Price

When searching for the right artificial turf for your home, office, vacation home, or business, focus on this general purchasing principle:

Evaluate the value of what you will be receiving, not just the price.

Evaluating price alone will lead to many poor financial decisions. Evaluating value and price together will lead to intelligent financial decisions, and saving money. To be frugal is not just to 'spend less money.' Rather, it is to spend money wisely.

Focus On Value

It’s crucial to understand that certain things that are less expensive now will actually cost more in the long run. This is especially true for large long-term purchases like cars, homes, appliances, or flooring - specifically, artificial turf. 

We aren't offering financial lessons—we just know that anyone looking for artificial turf, who understands this principle, can't go wrong. Finding the best price is not exclusive to just dollars and cents; this is largely about time and effort as well. Our company is designed to give you unbeatable service & results, for an incredible price.

Pay For Premium

Inadequately prepared and installed artificial turf will last as little as a few weeks before it will begin to rip, bubble, and come undone. On this path, your yard will rapidly look worse than before the artificial turf, and in the end, you've essentially flushed hundreds to thousands of dollars down the drain. Continuing to pay for this 'cheaper' option to replace your turf every few weeks/months would be ludicrous! Quickly you'd be out thousands of dollars with nothing to show for it. 

If a turfed yard doesn’t meet the standards of installation tied to each Idaho Turf Pro turfed yard - it’s simply not worth the money.

At Idaho Turf Pros we pride ourselves in providing the highest-quality turf on the market, along with the peace of mind that accompanies 'paying for premium'. When your professionally installed artificial turf is finished, you can rest easy and forget about ripping, bubbling, and coming undone. You will never need to invest more time, money, or worry into your yard - just enjoy it for years.

Free Consultation

Where it all begins.

We are here to bring your ideas to life. We will begin with learning about what you have in mind for your project, and what you envision. As we measure and inspect your project area, we can create a plan with you and help you choose the best products & colors that will bring your vision into reality.

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